Your Students Can Build
An Interactive Talking Sign for Your Class

​presented at Dynamic Landscapes 2020

Here is a link to my school website with favorite tech ideas. Those ideas, images and videos will eventually be on this website as well.

Here is a link to my Scratch website with lots of information and examples. Those ideas, images and videos will eventually be on this website as well.

This page of my website will give information and show examples of using technology in interesting ways to integrate technology into the school curriculum. Some examples are: using Scratch, the Makey Makey with Scratch, Book Creator, Pixie, Frames, iMovie and iMovie book trailer, WeVideo, designing and making brushbots, and using StoryBoardThat to create graphic novels. I also like to introduce website making using google sites. 

Scratch is definitely my favorite piece of technology class to teach. It is active, easy and the possibilities are endless. It is rewarding for me to accomplish a task in coding, and it is even more rewarding to see how far my students go with this application. I am looking forward to teaching a Scratch coding camp at Artistree this summer. 

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